As we roll through the holidays, many of us can feel the stress creeping up into our shoulders and neck. The shopping, the last-minute dash to fit all your meetings into short work weeks, the family gatherings and conversations, the kids out of school, the houseguests… it’s a LOT, and this season can do a serious number on your mental and physical health.
I’ve survived the last few years of holidays virtually unscathed because I’ve leaned on four key superpowers. Today, I’m passing them along to you in the hopes that adopting one or more will give you the energy, capacity, and grace to roll into 2022 with a more grounded, calm, and refreshed energy than you’ve seen in the past.
My superpower: Not drinking right now.
I know the holidays are just begging for you to YOLO your way through the dessert table and bar, but is that really serving you? My energy, sleep, mood, and capacity are all dramatically diminished if I drink even a little, which makes houseguests, driving from gathering to gathering, and all of the extra work that comes with the holidays nearly unbearable. What if you gave yourself the gift of just not drinking for a few weeks? Imagine how much better you’d sleep, how much more patience you’d have, how GOOD you’d wake up feeling?