Help me stick to my Food Freedom plan when I'm home alone
A reader writes, "When my husband's out of town, it all goes out the window—help!"
Note: I know not all of you do the Whole30, but I promise, you can still benefit from this article. If you also find that making the choices that feel good to you is more challenging when you’re home alone, you’ll find practical, empathetic, effective tips here. XO
A few months ago, Liz from San Francisco sent me an Instagram DM:
“My husband is away for work often, and being home alone for days on end makes my Food Freedom plan go right out the window. Why is it so much harder when I’m home by myself, and how can I better navigate my food freedom under these circumstances?”
This is a common occurrence. I bet many of us find our “is it worth it, do I want it?” queries get much looser (or disappear entirely) when there’s no one there to witness or judge our behavior.