5 unconventional things we do in my family
They work for us, and YCDIAWYW (You Can Do It Any Way You Want)
This issue is sponsored by LMNT Electrolytes, my unconventional secret to boundless energy, a clear head, and strong hikes and trail runs. LMNT adds delicious flavor to all of my hydration, including my morning coffee alternative. And I’ve heard YOU praise LMNT’s impact on your migraines, nursing, POTS, and long COVID—it’s a community favorite for a reason! Get a free sampler 8- pack of LMNT Electrolytes with any purchase, every time you buy. (Just use my link!)
In another newsletter (or maybe it was a podcast?) I mentioned that we play a board or card game with our son every morning at breakfast. We’ve been doing that since he was a toddler, upping the complexity of the games as he gets older. It’s become a beloved tradition, and we’ve accumulated many games that are 2-player and go quickly. So many people loved the idea that it got me thinking—what are some other ways we operate in a “non-traditional” way, and could sharing this empower people to truly do it any way they want? Let’s find out.
1. We eat breakfast, not dinner, together
We don’t often have family dinners. I believe in them, but the timing doesn’t work for our house given my son’s after-school activities and my husband’s jiu-jitsu schedule. Also, I like to eat early, so I get a better night’s sleep. We usually eat dinner on our own, but make shared breakfast our family meal. We play a game every morning with our son, standing around the kitchen island. Sometimes it’s just the parent who is driving him to school, sometimes we all join in. It’s been a tradition for many years, and we love starting our day with this moment of bonding.
2. My husband and I don’t share a bank account
Brandon and I first got together in 2017. Our lives, careers, and finances were already well established, and we knew I made more money because we talked very openly about it. We made the easy decision not to share a bank account or credit card early on. He has his money, and doesn’t have to explain how much his fifth camera cost. I have my money, and don’t have to explain how much I shelled out for Botox. We consider it all our money, but we also don’t pay for things 50/50 because our income isn’t equal. Our system works for us.
3. We Venmo each other
Speaking of money, I’ve seen plenty of people on Instagram saying, “Venmo-ing your husband is not normal—what’s wrong with your relationship?” Bullshit. Venmo’ing each other is both fun and practical. He’ll Venmo me $100 when I’m on a vacation saying, “Take yourself out for sushi.” I’ll Venmo him $500 when he pays a vet bill that I’d normally pay. Recently, I put in a lululemon order using my ambassador discount; he Venmo’d me $165 to cover his shorts and tees. This has no bearing on the health of our relationship, and IDGAF what you think about it.
4. One of us sleeps in the guest room
We will happily sleep apart to get a better night’s sleep. If one of us is sick, the other one is in the guest room until we’re past the worst of it. If one of us isn’t ready to go to bed, we’ll sleep in the guest room so as not to disturb the other person when we come to bed. If I’m traveling and getting home late, I’ll sleep downstairs so I don’t wake up the dogs. If he’s in a really bad mood, he sleeps downstairs. We’re not going to force ourselves to spend the night together; sleep is way too important for our physical and mental health. Our guest room has Purple pillows for this reason.
5. We take solo trips
My husband and I both love traveling—in particular, road trips. I love hiking, and will head to Jackson, Scottsdale, or Telluride for a few days to do the long, tough hikes that my husband doesn’t want to do. He loves driving for hours to a prime photography spot, then hanging out there shooting. We both need time alone to recharge, reflect, and enjoy our own company—so we take solo trips often. We usually try to plan these around when we have our son, but not always. (A few weekends ago, I was in Vegas for work and wanted to stay and hike for the weekend. My husband said, “Go for it, I’ve got the kid and the dogs.”) It’s not unusual for one of us to take off for a week, even though we’re married, even though we have a kid.
Do you eat meals together as a family, and if not, what works for you? Do you share finances with your spouse, or send your partner money? Do you ever choose to sleep apart even if you’re not in an argument? When was the last time Mom had a few nights alone, whether it’s camping, visiting a friend, or finding a hotel in a fun city? Paid subscribers can discuss in the comments.
I love this one so much. I saw a Tiktok yesterday about a couple that had their own bedrooms and the comments were overwhelming thrilled for them lol
Before we bought this house we had separate accounts. We lived together in his house and I used to transfer him "rent" which was just an agreed upon amount of money and then he paid for everything (bills, groceries, fuel, insurance etc). It worked out really well!
Now we have everything joint and we both bring in the exact same amount of money. We do bank account audits from time to time to make sure we know where our money is going - but he goes for coffee every morning with his friends or goes riding etc and I buy art supplies and as long as we are both happy and being reasonably considerate, it works out great!
We do have a spare room that he will sleep in if necessary but I always stay in our bed no matter what because it upsets Maxy if I'm not there. We do go to bed at very different times (me 730-8pm, him 11-1130pm) but once I'm asleep there is no bothering me....unless Maxy cries - that whimper gets me up like a firecracker!
I would say our relationship is unconventional in the sense of how much time we spend together. And we spend a LOT of time together; do most errands as a team, he will drive me wherever I want to go, we eat all meals at home together, coffee and tea time are together etc. He sits at the island before dinner while I cook, I sit at the island after dinner while he cleans up. I love it and would not have it any other way.