
This is Brand New Information! I appreciate that it’s neutral language. In my leadership education we talk about Lessons Learned a lot. But an AAR literally lets you decide what comes next. Thanks for this!

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Let me know if you decide to implement it!

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We used AAR’s extensively in our Air Force leadership training, but it never felt neutral or blameless like your version. I like this and I’m so glad you used the example you did because getting my kid to school on time every day is a STRUGGLE after the late summer mornings. I’m definitely going to be using this next time we’re heading out the door 10 minutes late and hoping we hit every green light to not be late.

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It's helpful to involve them in the process too! Let me know how it goes. XO

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There are a couple ways I’m going to work on implementing this... my own day, the days we need to give my daughter a ride to work (needs to eat, get dressed to the 9s, time management always a work in progress) and we butt heads but yet she doesn’t want babied or badgered. Stay tuned. Lol

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I had a tough performance coaching discussion with a senior manager today. He was unhappy with the coaching he received (didn't agree with it), and I flubbed a few things in my prep and delivery of the message. I left the meeting feeling frustrated with myself and also concerned that this may effect our future working relationship. I have another coaching to give on Thursday to a different manager, so I'll use the AAR to prep for it. Thanks for this timely post!

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I WISH the MN Chipotle stores would get the salad memo. When I ordered this at a MN Chipotle it was wet romaine and shredded beef. That was it. I ended up boxing it up, taking it home, and fixing it. I have tried it twice with the same result. Never again.

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I wish the MN Chipolte stores would get the salad memo. When I ordered this at our CHipoltle it was wet romaine and cold shredded beef. That was it. I ended up boxing it up, taking it home, and fixing it. I have tried it twice with the same result. Never again.

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This was super useful. I put it into practice moments after reading, reviewing a conversation from yesterday that still wasn't sitting well. During that conversation, I drew a boundary that felt good and important to draw, but my tone was full of passive-aggressive, defensive question marks.

Applying AAR, I realized that my "weepy" tone potentially caused more tension than if I'd just taken a stronger, harder line but fully owned it. Something to practice with next time (pretty sure there'll be a next time). Thank you, Melissa!

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