
My ex husband and I have both been food pushers. I push the bad food, and he pushes what we refer to as “the protein diet.” I should probably apologize for all the times that I have run over his boundaries with food. That strong Rebel component WILL NOT be told what to eat (or what not to eat). I really need to change the tape in my head in my mother’s voice that says, “Krista Lynn, you’re your own worst enemy.” 🙄

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I'm having interesting conversations in the DMs about what is a healthy encouragement to try new foods, be less rigid, or give a new dietary protocol a try, and what constitutes unhealthy boundary crossing or even manipulation. It's one thing to say to someone, "I respect your deeply commitment to your healthy eating plan, but it's getting in the way of our date nights and social gatherings, and that doesn't feel good to me. Can we talk about it?" It's another to pressure and mock someone into eating the popcorn with you, then freeze them out with the silent treatment when they refuse. Add a Rebel tendency and that's a whole 'nother layer! :)

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