My daughter’s husband is wonderful about being a partner and sharing the load. I have thanked his mom a few times. They just had a baby and my daughter remarked that he’s doing more baby care than she is. I said, “No, he is showing his daughter how much he loves her and her mom. And he’s showing his daughter how she should be treated.” It’s a beautiful thing!
“Husband Stress? Join WHOOP” …😂😆🤣 I have joined WHOOP, and must confess that I often correlate some stress to housework and my partner(it’s great to see the data as proof).
My husband certainly helps out around the house more than any other man in our neighborhood. He is the neat-nick in our relationship. He vacuums (a chore that I despise) and performs other household chores as needed. Does he always do them they way that I would do them, no, but I appreciate that he does them. That being said, it bothers me so much when he says, "I did your dishes for you" or "I cleaned the bathroom for you". I usually try to point out that since he does the majority of the cooking (and since the kids moved out) the eating and dish-dirtying, that the dirty dishes are mostly HIS anyway - or that he ALSO uses the bathroom. He understands that sharing the housework, like sharing the lawncare and the shoveling when necessary, is fair and equitable and a good thing, but he always seems to need congratulations for his contribution. He ALMOST gets it.... he also toots his own horn with the other couples in the neighborhood - not to encourage the other husbands to do/be better, but to show the other wives 'what a good boy I am' - annoying... I think because I am the primary breadwinner - by ALOT - that he feels obligated to help and that he might not be so helpful if the shoe was on the other foot - but who knows.
My daughter’s husband is wonderful about being a partner and sharing the load. I have thanked his mom a few times. They just had a baby and my daughter remarked that he’s doing more baby care than she is. I said, “No, he is showing his daughter how much he loves her and her mom. And he’s showing his daughter how she should be treated.” It’s a beautiful thing!
My mind is blown right now - I keep lists in exactly the same way and hadn't linked it to my ADHD before
Me too!
AMEN! I want to print this out and send it to so many men I know. You’re not “helping around the house,” you’re doing your part.
We drill this into my son. He's not helping me, ever. We're all doing our part to keep the household safe, comfortable, and efficient.
“Husband Stress? Join WHOOP” …😂😆🤣 I have joined WHOOP, and must confess that I often correlate some stress to housework and my partner(it’s great to see the data as proof).
My husband certainly helps out around the house more than any other man in our neighborhood. He is the neat-nick in our relationship. He vacuums (a chore that I despise) and performs other household chores as needed. Does he always do them they way that I would do them, no, but I appreciate that he does them. That being said, it bothers me so much when he says, "I did your dishes for you" or "I cleaned the bathroom for you". I usually try to point out that since he does the majority of the cooking (and since the kids moved out) the eating and dish-dirtying, that the dirty dishes are mostly HIS anyway - or that he ALSO uses the bathroom. He understands that sharing the housework, like sharing the lawncare and the shoveling when necessary, is fair and equitable and a good thing, but he always seems to need congratulations for his contribution. He ALMOST gets it.... he also toots his own horn with the other couples in the neighborhood - not to encourage the other husbands to do/be better, but to show the other wives 'what a good boy I am' - annoying... I think because I am the primary breadwinner - by ALOT - that he feels obligated to help and that he might not be so helpful if the shoe was on the other foot - but who knows.